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Dr. Raed Al-Aaridhi


I am a PhD can­di­da­te in the Institute of Computer Science at the Heinrich Heine University Dusseldorf, Germany. I work in the group for Technology of Social Networks,ad­vi­sed by Pro­fes­sor Kalman Graffi. Be­fo­re being here, I stu­died Com­pu­ter Engineering at Uni­ver­si­ty of Technology, in Baghdad, where I re­cei­ved my Ba­che­lor de­gree in 2006 after that I started to work in the Department of computer Engineering till 2010, in 2010 I got Scholarship from DAAD and enjoined to ISE program at University of Duisburg-Essen where I received my Mas­ter's de­gree in computer Engineering in 2013.

In 2014 I got the Second Scholarship from DAAD, Prior to joi­ning Heinrich Heine University Dusseldorf, I was a as­sis­tant lecturer in the Computer Engineering Department at University of Technology, Baghdad.

My Research

My research agenda is a Secure Communication over Dynamic Overlay Networks, this can be achieved by combine the properties of peer-to-peer overlays, social networks, darknets and opportunistic networks in a combined dynamic overlay, which is robust and flexible to operate. Mostly, this overlay will be robust and secured against various attacks from powerful parties able to attack single nodes and communication infrastructures. Second, suitable security mechanisms will be provided that establish a security infrastructure and allow for the (pseudonymous) authentication of the users. Secure (confidential, integer and authenticated) communication as well as mechanisms for access-controlled data storage will be provided.

All researched mechanisms will be implemented within a prototypical implementation and sophistically evaluated. The claimed properties of the security protocols will be also analytically verified. Both the secure dynamic overlay as well as the security infrastructure will be used to create a secure communication application. The application is extended stepwise and tested with real users within the testbed and in the Internet.

Visiting hours

Whenever I am present or by arranging a meeting via email.

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